Biiblical counseling is an approach built upon the foundation that each of us was created to deeply relate with others. The journey is a collaborative process of looking at relationships that are not operating in this deeply relating manner. Through reflection of past and present events, the purpose of the counseling process is to expand awareness of our self, choices, and where we are hurting in the hope that we will become more present with God and others. When one can become more present in their current relationships life becomes more meaningful.
At Gateway you will experience us as open, personal, relational, and loving. We do not hide behind walls or a clip board. You will see us as a fellow sojourner as we walk with you into your story, past and present, to find the ways you protect your heart which leads to dysfunction and broken relationships. Shame will always be handled tenderly as we believe shame has far too much power over our hearts and our ability to be seen, enjoyed, and loved. Through the Biblical Counseling process we will always point you to Truth, Freedom, Rest and Life that God has given us.
When you sit in a room with someone and your goal is to love them well, in vulnerable ways, kind and tender ways, ways that allow the clients to feel like we are with them, that they are not alone...something begins to change. They experience you as a personal and yet professional guide. A mentor. A journeyman. All of our directions are aimed at stirring up your hearts, to help you find longings and wounds that have been long since forgotten or abandoned. And in that process we are exactly who we are inside that room and outside that room. Genuine, honest, open, personal, and connected.